Northeastern vs Tufts vs BU for BME 您所在的位置:网站首页 beyond compare 工具 Northeastern vs Tufts vs BU for BME

Northeastern vs Tufts vs BU for BME

#Northeastern vs Tufts vs BU for BME| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi, my son is a junior at NU (people familiar with the school know it’s not NEU). It’s a nice contained campus in the middle of a big city. Many co-op employers hire NU co-op students after graduation and the co-op experience gives students a resume filled with job experience that sets them apart from other applicants. Engineering co-ops tend to pay better than other majors. I think you can Google salaries and job placement info.

As for social life, he has found students nice and friendly. There are many clubs and a little Greek life for those who want it. He and his roommates host parties and play intramural sports. He goes biking, skiing and rock climbing. He likes baseball games at nearby Fenway ($9/tickets). Colin Jost came to campus on Tuesday. He did a Dialogue of Civilization (short summer study abroad) which was fantastic. The DOC’s are in many countries.

Here is some specific info for Engineering co-ops. Good luck with your choice.






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